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Programs & Services Committee Report – 11/20/2024

The Programs & Services Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Setting a Special Election Date: for a special citywide election on March 18, 2025, to fill the Ward 7 Newton School Committee vacancy caused by a resignation. (6-0 with Councilors Baker and Oliver not voting)
  • Setting Early Voting Hours for Ward 7 Special Election: Early voting dates and times: Friday, March 7th, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; and Saturday, March 8th, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Voters will also be sent a card to request Vote by Mail. (6-0 with Councilors Baker and Oliver not voting)

The Committee voted No Action Necessary for the following:

  • Discussion of Parks, Recreation, and Culture (PRC) Department Projects: The PRC Commissioner noted stormwater improvements and that trees lost during construction will be replaced. The City is waiting on documents verifying that the removed artificial turf was recycled and is not planning to install more artificial turf. The City is strengthening its scholarship program for low-income residents after the increased Gath Pool swim fees. (7-0 with Councilor Farrell not voting)

The Committee voted to hold the following for further discussion:

  • Restroom Facilities at City Fields: Discussed the availability and potential improvements to restroom facilities at city fields. Athletic leagues are providing portable toilets at 20-25 locations across the City. Some groups have been locking the portapotties they provide. It would cost the City approximately $300,000 annually to provide portable toilets at 50 sites for 9 months, with one cleaning a week. The City would be responsible for vandalism costs. (7-0 with Councilor Farrell not voting).
  • Field Use Regulations at Newton South High School: Neighbors have complained that NSHS has not been following an agreement with them on use of field lighting and the public announcement system. The PRC Commissioner said the PA system has been replaced with one that meets the agreement, and that they are looking into a solution to fix the lights shut-off timer. (7-0 with Councilor Farrell not voting).
  • Amendments to Tree Ordinance: A public hearing on the ordinance’s impact provided mixed testimony. Supporters noted that it preserved trees, while opponents noted the difficulty of removing trees, especially dead trees, and additional costs. (7-0, with Councilor Farrell not voting.)

Present: Councilors Krintzman (Chair), Oliver, Micley, Malakie, Humphrey, Lobovits, Baker, and
Also Present: Councilors Wright, Greenberg, Block, and Danberg
City Staff: John Doyle, Election Supervisor; Nicole Banks, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and
Culture; Marc Welch, Deputy Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Culture; Luis Perez
Demorizi, Director of Parks and Open Space; Jonathan Yeo, Chief Operating Officer; and Jaclyn
Norton, Committee Clerk

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