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Leary: Medicare for All wins hands down in Newton

Access to high quality healthcare is a human right. This was made explicitly clear by the residents of Newton who live in Representative John Lawn’s 10th Middlesex district.

In the recent election, the 10th Middlesex voted over 68% “YES” on a non-binding ballot question supporting universal coverage and eliminating premiums, deductibles, co-pays, etc., a plan known as Single Payer Health Care or Medicare for All. Most Newton residents did not have the 6th question on their ballots as only a small portion of Newton is in the 10th Middlesex District.

Like most Massachusetts residents, Newton residents face rising health care costs – 40% of Massachusetts residents report foregoing needed care that is unaffordable for them, and 41% carry medical debt. 

The Mass Campaign for Single Payer Health Care organized the non-binding ballot question to inform voters and put pressure on our state legislators to pass An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts creating the Massachusetts Health Care Trust. 

Most developed nations provide health care as a public good (like schools, fire and police, etc.). Only in the U.S., do we instead have the bloated, bureaucratic insurance companies, private hospitals-for-profit, runaway price gouging of the pharmaceutical companies, and denial of care. 

In Massachusetts, not only have costs gone up and up, but quality and access have suffered. Single-payer, universal coverage, is a win-win solution for the health of the people and the economic development of their communities.  

Under Single Payer, the City of Newton’s savings would be $36,062,166 the first year, leaving much needed resources for the schools, and to meet other needs of the community.

To get involved go to and contact your State Rep (Ruth Balser is a co-sponsor) to support the bill, H.1239 / S.744. 

Alison M. Leary
City Councilor-at-Large, Ward 1

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