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Land Use Committee Report – 11/19/2024

The Land Use Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Appointments to the Newton Wellesley Hospital Neighborhood Council: to foster dialogue between the hospital, the city, and neighboring communities: Jay Flynn, 41 Longfellow Road; Marjorie Summers, 238 Dorset Road; Theresa Fitzpatrick, 1935 Beacon Street; Alex Koppenheffer, 183 Dorset Road; George Swetz, 120 Dorset Road; Chris Letourmeau, 1855 Commonwealth Avenue (8-0).
  • Class 2 Auto Dealers License for MOTORCARS OF BOSTON INC.: Granted a license for the location at 1191 Washington Street, West Newton, after confirming all regulatory requirements were met (8-0).
  • Extension of Time to Exercise Special Permit at 193 Lake Avenue for renovations and expansion of a detached building to be used as an accessory apartment with dimensional waivers (8-0).
  • Extension of Time to Exercise a Special Permit at 11 Florence Street and 318 Boylston Street to construct elder housing with services, including waivers for building height and parking arrangements (8-0).
  • Request to allow a restaurant with more than 50 seats and to waive 11 parking stalls at 30-34 Langley Road. Tango Mango would like to increase seating for special events or small parties. There was support at the public hearing from a neighbor and Councilors, who noted the ample parking in the area. Petition Documents Draft Council Order

The Land Use Committee held the following:

  • Request for dimensional and parking waivers at 640 Watertown Street to construct four attached single-family dwellings. Several waivers are needed for lot coverage, side setbacks, and parking. Concerns were raised about the project’s scale and its fit within the neighborhood. 7 neighbors spoke in opposition to the proposal. Public and council concerns centered on potential impacts on local traffic, green space, and community character (8-0). Petition Documents
  • Review of Unspent Mitigation Funds Some of the unspent funds paid by developers date back to 2011. Some projects designated to be paid for by a specific mitigation fund were completed with other funds. The Committee asked the Planning Department to answer the following questions at a future meeting: How are old unspent mitigation funds used? Can unspent mitigation funds be transferred to a different location or project and/or be combined with other monies? What is the process for making decisions, and who makes those decisions? (8-0)
  • Request to allow three attached single-family dwellings at 15 Algonquin Road and waive the required lot coverage, lot area, side and rear setback requirements and to allow parking in the front setback and a retaining wall exceeding 4 feet in height. The previously approved project for the site did not move forward for financial reasons. Comments at the public hearing were mixed, some supporting the eco-friendly nature of the project, others concerned with its size. (8-0). Petition Documents

The Land Use Committee reviewed a request for a consistency ruling for 300 Cabot Street from the Commissioner of Inspectional Services. The Committee noted no issues with the proposed modification of the dormers or windows. There was no consensus on moving the stairs closer to the sidewalk. Some Councilor felt it helped preserve the historic building, others worried it would impede snow removal.

Present: Councilors Kelley (Chair), Block, Downs, Farrell, Kelley, Laredo, Leary, and Lobovits
Also Present: Councilors Malikie, Oliver, and Wright
City Staff Present: Deputy Chief Planner Alyssa Sandoval, Assistant City Solicitor Jonah Temple,
Senior Planner Cat Kemmett, Economic Development Director John Sisson and Senior Planner
Joseph Iadonisi

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