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City Council Meetings – Week of 12/15/2024

City Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, December 16 at 7:45PM. See Reports Docket and New Docket.

Land Use will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, December 17 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Craig McPherson to the Boston College Neighborhood Council
  • Class 1 Auto Dealer License: Village Motors Group Inc d/b/a Honda Village, 371 Washington Street
  • Class 2 Auto Dealer License: KG Motors LLC d/b/a KG Motors LLV, 1235 Washington Street

Chair’s Note: The following item will be a joint meeting with the Planning & Development Board. #480-24 Request to Rezone 1 parcel to Mixed Use 4

  • Request to Rezone parcel from Business 1 to Mixed Use 4 at 386-394 Watertown Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct a four-story, mixed-use building with 13 residential units and 14 at-grade parking stalls at 386 394 Watertown Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct a two-story rear addition, exceeding the maximum FAR at 29 Walter Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct an addition within the existing footprint, exceeding the maximum FAR and creating a three-story building at 48 Lantern Lane (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct a detached garage and make various modifications to the two-family dwelling including enclosing the rear porches, constructing a covered front porch, and raising the roof as well as the construction of dormers, further extending the nonconforming use and front setback, and resulting in a three-story structure at 52-54 Hatfield Road (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to raze the existing dwelling and construct four attached single-family dwellings in two separate buildings with dimensional relief and parking relief at 49 Dalby Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)

Programs and Services regularly scheduled meeting has been canceled (See Meeting Cancellation Notice).

Public Safety and Transportation regularly scheduled meeting has been canceled (see Meeting Cancellation Notice).

Public Facilities will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, December 18 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Shawna Sullivan as Commissioner of the Department of Public Works
  • Request for a discussion and approval of text clarifications necessary for City Ordinance Section 29-157 through 29-166 to clarify the requirement to install sidewalks in locations that did not previously have a sidewalk.

Financial Audit Advisory Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, December 18 at 8AM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Review draft Financial Statements
  • Review draft Management Letter
  • Next meeting (Single Audit update, FY 25 planning)
  • Questions/Concerns

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, December 19 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Hema Narayanan to the Economic Development Commission
  • Request for a discussion and possible amendments to Chapter 30 Zoning or other City Ordinances to enhance the preservation of existing homes over their replacement by larger and more expensive structures
  • Request for a discussion with the Planning Department to consider ordinance amendments that would revise the metrics in the multi-residence (MR1, MR2 and MR3) zones, to regulate the size of new buildings better, enable a wider range of housing options close to public transit, and better incentivize the preservation and renovation of existing housing stock.

Chair’s Note: The following item will be a joint meeting with the Planning & Development Board.

  • Request for a discussion and possible amendments to retaining wall regulations for Multi-Family/Commercial/Industrial/Civic Buildings in Section 5.4.2 of Chapter 30 Zoning
  • Request for a discussion and amendments to Newton’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance, so it complies with the State’s Zoning Act (Ch. 40A)
  • Reappointment of Dan Green to the Conservation Commission

Traffic Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, December 19 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a parking regulation along a portion of the west side of Elm Street between River Street and Webster Street.
  • Request to update the Traffic and Parking Regulations to reflect the existing parking regulations along Albemarle Road, including the location of accessible parking spaces and related sections of the TPR.
  • Request to allow Traffic Council to vote to allow a long-term trial on the northbound section of Albermarle Road between Watertown Street and Crafts Street which may include changes to the location and regulations of the parking spaces along this stretch to respond to changing conditions brought on by various municipal redevelopments and parking demands along Albemarle Road.
  • Request to add a stop sign at the T intersection of Lasell Street at Hancock Street, to improve safety. Note that this item does not request stop signs on Hancock Street itself, only on Lasell Street.
  • Request to add a stop sign at the T intersection of Fern Street at Hancock Street, to improve safety. Note that this item does not request stop signs on Hancock Street itself, only on Fern Street.
  • Request to add a stop sign at the T intersection of Williston Road at Hancock Street, to improve safety. Note that this item does not request stop signs on Hancock Street itself, only on Williston Road.
  • Request that Traffic Council vote to ask MassDOT to rescind the 35 MPH section of the Special Speed Regulation on Beacon Street from Chestnut to the entrance of Cold Spring Park in both directions. If approved by Traffic Council, the City Clerk’s office would notify MassDOT of the official action taken, and MassDOT would subsequently issue a modified Special Speed Regulation to reflect these changes. If the existing 35 mph Special Speed Regulations are rescinded in this area, the statutory speed limit of 25 mph would be in effect.
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