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Wm. James College hosts a free film and community conversation about adolescent depression and suicide, Nov. 14

William James College (WJC) will present a preview of the new film, Shattered Ice, as part of its program, Understanding Adolescent Depression and Suicide, on November 14, 5:30PM-7:30PM at William James College (1 Wells Avenue, Newton). The film will be followed by a panel discussion with:

  • Jake Miskin, the film’s screenwriter
  • Nadja Lopez, Executive Director of WJC’s Center for Behavioral Health, Equity, and Leadership in Schools
  • Dr. Larry Berkowitz, Co-Founder of the Riverside Trauma Center
  • Dr. Heather MacPherson, a Clinical Psychologist at WJC

The event is free and light refreshments will be provided. Register online to reserve a seat.

The film is set in the fictional town of Nehoiden, with a story of a local high school student who faces a profound loss after his best friend, the school’s star hockey player, takes his own life. He must confront his trauma and navigate his grief while continuing to take to the ice in his friend’s absence. The director, a Needham native, based the film on his lived experiences.

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