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Zoning & Planning Committee Report – 9/23/2024

The Zoning & Planning Committee held the following (see report and watch the meeting video):

  • Request for Discussion and Ordinance to require energy use reporting for large property owners (BERDO): Held (8-0) Large property owners would be required to report energy use (except for electricity) and its associated greenhouse gas emissions annually to the City of Newton to encourage a reduction in energy use and meet the decarbonization goals of the City and State. The proposed ordinance would require property owners to transition to electrical heating and cooling systems on a scheduled timeline. Before available incentives, the typical one-time cost of converting to electrical systems from gas would be between $5 and $35 per square foot. Case studies of decarbonizing buildings in Newton were provided. The estimated annual administrative cost of BERDO to the City is $165,000. The average sale price of decarbonized buildings is 2 to 25% higher than average; the average occupancy rate is 3 to 11% higher.
  • Discussion and Possible Amendment to Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance to include training: Held (8-0) as part of an introductory conversation on financial feasibility models for inclusionary zoning adjustments. The methodology that will be used to create a financial feasibility model unique to Newton was described. “This model is a pro-forma-based Excel model that will test the financial impact of policy changes against the financial risk/reward of residential development. Once this model is created it will be given to Planning Staff, and trainings will be held so Councilors can utilize the model.”
  • Requesting re-evaluation and possible amendments to Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance: Held (8-0) Discussed with the above item.
  • Requesting discussion and possible amendments to Section 5.4.2: Held (8-0) regarding retaining wall regulations. Discussion was postponed due to time constraints.
  • Requesting discussion and possible amendment to Section 3.4.4 of Chapter 30 Zoning: Voted No Action Necessary (6-0-2) “Multiple Councilors voiced support for reviewing the garage ordinance, which could include different allowances for below-grade garages. However, the Councilors expressed hesitancy in moving forward with this amendment without having more research done.”
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