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Public Facilities Committee Report – 10/9/2024

The Public Facilities Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Eversource petition for a grant of location in Wells Avenue to install approximately 242 feet of conduit at 111 Wells Avenue. Work is expected to take about a week. (Approved 5-0, Councilor Laredo Not Voting).
  • Eversource petition for a grant of location in Christina Street to install a new jointly owned pole on Christina Street to support the Northland 40B Development Project. (Approved 5-0, Councilor Laredo Abstained).

The committee held the following:

  • Discussion with the Department of Public Works on water, sewer, and storm water infrastructure The Department of Public Works discussed ongoing and planned projects to upgrade Newton’s infrastructure, including water meter replacements, hydrant flushing, waterline replacement, and leak detections and elimination. A full inventory of the water service pipes will be on the City website after October 16. The City saves roughly $5,400 per day after eliminating water leaks identified in the 2023 survey. Leaks come from groundwater infiltration, illegal stormwater and sump pump connections. The City Hall Pond dredging is complete. There are 5 to 6 years left on the sewer and stormwater programs, with about half of the water pipes replaced. Councilors expressed concerns about tree loss in the repair of the Bulloughs Pond Dam. The Office of Dam Safety requires the dam work. (6-0).

The Public Facilities Committee voted No Action Necessary on the following:

  • Requesting a Discussion and possible Ordinance change on Private Ways on methods to make them public ways. “There are both qualifying and nonqualifying private ways. A non-qualifying private way is defined as any private way which can be laid out as a public way under the standards set forth in City Ordinance 2647. A qualifying private way is any private way which, if it were to be laid out as a public way under the standards in City Ordinance 2647 would result in a layout which substantially and adversely affects existing land uses, and historical or geological features.” Most private ways are qualifying and require significant work to make them public ways. Most people want to keep their private ways private.
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