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109 Newtonians have raised $246,316 for the Jimmy Fund Marathon Walk on Oct. 6 — 97% of their goal

Stop the presses! We have just learned of the 29 members of Team ANYA — all walking in the Jimmy Fund Marathon Walk to support osteosarcoma research — inspired by Anya, a Cabot student celebrating two years of scans clear of this cancer.

That makes not 80, but 109 Newton residents walking the various routes of the Jimmy Fund Marathon Walk on October 6. All together they have so far raised $246,316 to support the world-class cancer research and patient care of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. That’s 97% of the Newton walkers’ combined goal of $253,900.

Here are all 109 of these Newtonians, with links to their fundraising pages. Each has a reason for walking and fundraising. Click on the names of any walkers to donate to their Jimmy Fund Walk campaigns. The job is not yet done.

Akram Alami
Andrew Alexandrescu
Rand Arafeh
Jonathan Benjamin
Eliza Blay
Anna Borgenvik
Jennifer Brown
Kathleen Burns
Chris Carroll
Kimberly Chan
Michael Chan
Sharon Chan
Atish Choudhury
Dan Cohen
Melany Duval
Luke Farley
Nicholas Farley
Craig Fishman
Kevin Flint
Oliver Fox
Arnie Freedman
Sarah Garcia
Carleen Gentry
Jared Gollob
Lindsay Gordon
Alan Greenwald
Barbara Gubb
Michael Hassett
Bruce Henderson
Freya Hurwitz
Baila Janock
Marsha Joselow
Margie Kagan
Lori Kahn
Katherine Krajewski
Zeynep Kurt
Marina Kvitnitsky
Salomé Laurence
Arnold Lee
Eudocia Lee
Joseph Lee
Oliver Lee
Serafina Lee
Monica Lewis
Caleb Liaw
Isaac Liaw
Shih-Ning Liaw
Yen Liaw
Amanda Lilienfeld
Maxene Lorraway
Navid Madani
Lauren Margolis
Chelsea Marshall
Olivia Mathews
Torey Mathews
Kris McKeigue
Rebecca Mosher
Kathleen ONeil
Jean Pearlstein
Karen Petrulakis
Kristina Petrulakis
Nick Petrulakis
Pouneh Poutas
Michael Rabin
Eric Rosen
Abby Rosenberg
Karen Shecter
Sherry Shulman
Rene Smith
Roger Spingarn
Dinny Star
Manisha Thakuria
Cindy Theodos
Nick Trocki
Joanne Walker
Laura Warren
Sidney Wen
Mark Whalen
Matthew Yurgelun
Joyce Zakim
* * * TEAM ANYA * * *
Jeni Rhodes
David Rhodes
Hailey, Reid, Melissa, and Joe Dalton
Lynda Cain
Anya Rhodes
Susan Kenneally
Seyla Rhodes
Jessica Weed
Shayna Rhodes
Nadav Rhodes
Ellen Gager
Maria Arvelo
Mia Lefkowitz
Maria Clara Guarda
Amanda Carozza
Tiferet Rose
Elizabeth Ferrenz
Batya Ferrenz-Siegel
Jenny Siegel
Ashwin Griffin
Ethan Lobovits
Christopher Donnelly
Deborah Hirsch Mayer
Yael Yaaloz
Sidd Griffin
Gabriel Griffin
Orly Fishman
Nancy smith
Sona Chikarmane

If you are Walking and your name is not listed, please let us know.

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