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Understanding Our Differences webinar: Mindful Resilience — Practical Strategies for the Whole Family, Sept. 24

Understanding Our Differences will present an evening webinar — Mindful Resilience: Practical Strategies for the Whole Family — on September 24 at 7PM. Advance registration is required (%5 per family).

Today’s children and teens, and the adults who care about them, frequently are grappling with modern-day stressors. Mindfulness and related techniques for self-regulation provide an adaptable, creative approach to cultivate calm, resilience, and presence in all of us.

Presenter Dr. Chris Willard — author, psychologist, consultant, and father in Cambridge, MA — will help parents, caregivers, and teachers build resilience, regulation, and mindfulness in daily life through simple, practical principles, and strategies. Often small ways to support children and ourselves can make a big difference!

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