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Posts published in August 2024

Persampieri: Bill Humphrey for 12th Middlesex State Representative

I am writing to express my strong support for Bill Humphrey for 12th Middlesex State Representative. Bill is a good listener and will improve life for everyone in Massachusetts, not just a select few. He will take your concerns seriously and work tirelessly to fix the broken legislature. Bill has…

Viola: In support of Greg Schwartz

Greg Schwartz would be a terrific State Rep. I followed closely his work while he was on the Council at Newton, and he was superb.  He didn’t seem to have an agenda but just to think about each issue from scratch and doing what’s best for the town. Emanuele ViolaNewton Highlands

Crossley: Rick Lipof for 12th Middlesex State Representative

Having worked closely on the Newton City Council with all three of my former colleagues now vying for the 12th District State Representative seat, I believe Councilor Rick Lipof will be the most effective state legislator for Newton and Brookline. Rick is a community builder, a listener and a problem solver. His…

Linsky: Sangiolo endorsement

With Amy Sangiolo succeeding Kay Khan, Newton once again has an opportunity to be represented by an outstanding progressive woman at the State House. As her colleague on the Newton City Council (Board of Aldermen) for 12 of her 20 years of service, and given her work with the state’s…

Levy: Greg Schwartz for 12th Middlesex State Representative

I am writing to encourage people to vote for Greg Schwartz for State Representative. Greg has deep legislative experience in areas like public finance, public safety, retirement plans, environmental sustainability, housing development, and transit. But here’s the most important thing: If you talk with Greg’s former colleagues in the City…

Ruben: Rick Lipof for 12th Middlesex State Representative

I support Rick Lipof for State Representative because he is an effective advocate for tackling the housing and climate crises. Rick’s tenure as Chair of Newton City Council’s Land Use Committee has given him a deep understanding of how to add both affordable and “missing middle” housing. He helped gain…

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