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McCabe: Lipof for 12th Middlesex State Representative

I’m a recent college graduate who wants to stay in the community in which I’ve grown up, but nowadays that isn’t necessarily possible in Newton. So, I’m looking for a new State Representative who would be truly effective in promoting housing that works for this city in the vein of the housing bond bill recently signed by the Governor. That’s why I’m supporting Rick Lipof. 

During his 12 terms as city councilor, Rick led the way on Kesseler Woods, with new housing being built in Oak Hill while 22 acres of land were saved for conservation, all in a community-led approach. Last term, he got Newton’s implementation of the MBTA Communities Act done in a way that works for this city. Rick balances the housing need in this city with the concerns of the community. That is what I call leadership.   

When it comes to dealing with the rough-and-tumble of Beacon Hill, you need a representative who’s a consensus-builder. Based on his experience on the housing issue, not to mention his substantial endorsements from his colleagues on the Council who elected him Vice Chair of the Council, Rick is exactly the right person for the job.

Michael McCabe
former resident of Chestnut Hill

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