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LWV/N: Topic meeting on Ballot Question #2 (MCAS), Oct. 7

On Monday, October 7, 7PM-9PM, the League of Women Voters (LWV) of Newton will host a Topic Meeting to discuss Question 2 on November’s ballot:  

Should Massachusetts eliminate the MCAS test as a high school graduation requirement?

This event will be held at the Druker Auditorium, Newton Free Library (330 Homer Street, Newton Centre). All are welcome.

Panelists include representatives from the Massachusetts Teachers Association (for a “Yes” vote) and the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (for a “No” vote), Farah Assiraj (Chief of Teaching and Learning for the Council of the Great City Schools), and Dr. Gina Flanagan (Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning at Newton Public Schools). 

Cosponsors of the event include LWV MA, LWV Boston, LWV Brookline, LWV Needham, LWV Waltham, LWV Wellesley, and LWV Weston.

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