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Albright: Lipof for 12th Middlesex State Representative

Rick Lipof and I were elected to City Council Leadership by our colleagues for two terms. Over our four years in leadership and twenty years as colleagues on the Council, I learned his philosophy of governing, and of life. I learned about his integrity and values. As a guiding principle, Rick strives to look out for the well-being of all Newton Residents and our city as a whole on every issue. Rick does not fear controversy and takes difficult votes that best serve our community.

Rick will intelligently face the difficult issues surrounding transportation, housing, climate change, education, and budget because he has already faced them from the local government’s perspective. As Chair of the Land Use Committee he managed a process that was a fair and complete review for every special permit. This experience along with his business acumen and integrity will serve all of us extremely well.

Rick has and, as Rep, will continue to build trusted relationships with his listening skills. He hears all sides of an issue and votes what will be best for Newton. This is exactly what we need in the legislature.

I strongly endorse Rick Lipof to serve in the House of Representatives representing parts of Newton and Brookline. I urge all of us to vote for Rick for a stronger Massachusetts.

Susan Albright
City Councilor at large Ward 2
Chair, Public Facilities Committee

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