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Photo courtesy Pan-Mass Challenge.

Who from Newton is riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge?

On the weekend of August 3-4, there will be 197 Newton residents riding in this year’s Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) to raise funds for the world-class cancer research and patient care of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Each rider’s fundraising will help the PMC raise $75 million this year — bringing the PMC’s total lifetime fundraising to more than $1 billion. Every dollar raised goes directly to Dana-Farber to support cancer research and patient care.

The riding is on August 3-4 but the fundraising is already underway.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a page where you could see all these 197 charitable Newtonians, scan to find names of people you know and admire, and then click on the names to donate to their PMC campaigns? Here they are:

Ilana Amrani-Cohen, Eman Ansari, David Aronoff, Frank Aronson, Jane Avers, Karen Axelrod, Jess Baccari, Laurence Bailen, Eva Barbier, Joel Bard, Jay Baronowski, Benjamin Bates, Gary Belowich, Barry Benjamin, Paul Benson, David Berg, Michael Berger, Rachelle Bernacki, Zachary Bouzari, navid bouzari, Joshua Bowman, Michelle Boyle, Steven Branfman, Ellen Branfman, Archer Brayley, Douglas Brayley, Bruce Brumberg, Gregory Brumberg, David Bunis, Michael Busnach, Krista Busnach, Jeffrey Bussgang, Mike Cantor, Jesse Chebot, Michael Chinitz, Ates Civitci, Marc Cohen, Ellen Cohen-Kaplan, Ruby Cohen-Weinberg, Doug Cornelius, Eleanor Cornell, Nava Cretu-Kessel, Bill Crowley, Jacob Decker, Marc Decker, Andrew DeCristoforo, Tara DeSisto, Amanda DiResta, Melany Duval, Benjamin Dyer, Nina Eigerman, Aram Elovic, Thomas Engel, Barb Epstein, Michael Epstein, Dan Epstein, Sue Farrell, Joel Feinberg, Ridgely Ficks, Joshua Fine, Eric Fischer, Mark Fitzpatrick, Michael Frieze, Tom Gallitano, Thomas Garnitz, Paul Gershkowitz, Brian Ghoshhajra, Thomas Gloria, Wolfram Goessling, Jonathan Gordon, David Goscinak, Gregory Grobstein, Dave Grossman, Eva Guinan, Marc Gundersheim, Avneesh Gupta, Barbara Gutman, Ira Hart, Doug Haslam, Spencer Haught, Deborah Hicks, Jim Hirsch, Philip Hirshberg, Steven Holstein, Adam Howes, Wale Ilori, Michael Johnstone, Todd Kamens, Brett Kaplan, Adam Kaplan, Jeff Kaplan, Sherrill Kaplan, Jeff Karp, Molly Kellogg, Barnet Kessel, CHRISTINE KLAEHN, Bridget Krauss, Bruce Landon, Todd Langton, Ronald Lanoue, Bernard Lebow, Jas Lee, Mikhail Levit, Masha Levit, Joshua Levy, Dave Levy, Jeffrey Lieb, Daniel Lieman, Max Lieman, Jonathan Lilienfeld, Frank Litwin, Ronald Lubin, Michelle Luo, Michael MacDonald, Joe Makalusky, Matthew Manke, Ted Marple, Sonya Marquez, Christophe Mathieu, Sean McDonald, Jennie McGarry, Michael McKay, Michael McKee, Daniel Mekler, Beth Morahan, Jeremy Munn, Ann Murray, Eric Nadel, Lee Nadler, Russell Neufeld, Brooks Neufeld, Adam Nussenbaum, Allison ONeill, Barbara Oppenheimer, Alan Paret, David Pemstein, Larry Perlov, Alex Peselman, Michael Pezza, Susan Phillips-Gray, John Plotz, Stacey Pollack, Jack Prior, Melissa Prudhomme, Ken Pucker, Benjamin Raby, David Reardon, MaryBeth Reardon, Karen Rednor, Robert Reisch, Cory Resnick, Duncan Richardson, Rachel Rock, Pam Rosenberg, Michele Rosenthal, Christopher Ryan, Helle Sachse, Robin Saitz, Paul Samson, Brian Schoenbeck, Lisa Schwartz, Steven Segal, Ellen Segal, Steven Siegel, Elisabeth Silverstein, Michael Silverstein, John Simmons, Barry Slosberg, Stephen Smith, Ethan Solomon, Robert Solomon, John Speyer, Roger Spingarn, Alan Starr, Laurie Starr, Denise Staubach, Peter Staubach, Russell Stein, Andy Sucoff, Paul Sullivan, Adam Suttin, Scott Timmins, Craig Underwood, Veronica Vedensky, Jake Weinberg, Scott Weiss, Andrew Welch, Adam Wesley, Jeffrey West, Loie Williams, Michael Wolfson, Wenxin Xu, Jeff Zabel, Jonathan Zaff, Joyce Zakim, Phillip Zakim-Yacouby, David Zug

Ed. Note: This article was first published on July 8, 2024.

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