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Zoning and Planning votes to let businesses decide on parking

On Thursday, June 27, the Zoning and Planning Committee met with Newton’s Planning Board to discuss changes to the Zoning Code. The Committee unanimously approved a change proposed by the Planning Department to remove the rarely used Fast Food Establishments language from the Zoning Code. Restaurants are required to get z special permit to add drive-through service. 

The Committee voted to add the definitions of Business Incubators and Places of Amusement to the Zoning Code without minimum parking requirements. The Newton Economic Development Commission, the Director of Economic Development, and the Charles River Regional Chamber all spoke or wrote in favor of removing parking minimums to reduce red tape for businesses. The vote tally on removing parking minimums was: Krintzman, Albright, and Kalis for; Baker opposed; Oliver and Wright abstaining; and Danberg absent.

Newton’s Planning Board unanimously approved adding Business Incubators and Places of Amusement without parking minimums to the Zoning Code.

All proposed changes to the Zoning Code will proceed to the full City Council for a vote.

Improving community discussions

The Committee began a discussion with the Zoning Board of Appeals and representatives of the City’s legal team and Planning Department on improving community discussions about large developments. Councilors Farrell, Oliver, and Getz described community frustrations with the public hearing process, where residents are required to sit through hours of presentations and Council discussion before being allowed to speak, and a lack of feedback from both the Planning Department and developers on residents’ concerns.

The City’s solicitor stated that “special permits and comprehensive permits have strict statutory guidelines” that do not allow back-and-forth interaction at public hearings. The Planning Department reassured Councilors that all comments from the public are considered.

Newton’s Zoning Board of Appeals stated that it follows the public hearing protocol from the State’s Chapter 40B Zoning Boards of Appeal Handbook. This protocol specifies that the developer presents first, then the Zoning Board, and then the public is allowed to speak.

Several Councilors asked if there could be a way to change this protocol and let the public speak first occasionally. They also asked if the Planning Department could help facilitate community meetings with developers to allow for back-and-forth discussions. The item was held for further discussion at a future meeting.

See NewTV’s video of the meeting.

Ed. Note: We revised the first paragraph of this article correct our reporting of the Committee’s actions.

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