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Ellie Goldberg among other Commonwealth Heroines nominated by their State Representatives

Rep. Kay Khan nominates Ellie Goldberg as Newton’s Commonwealth Heroine

For twenty-one years, Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) has invited state legislators to nominate women in their district to be honored as “Commonwealth Heroines.” This year, Rep. Kay Khan, 11th Middlesex District, chose Ellie Goldberg, a dedicated advocate for children’s health. According to MCSW, which sponsors the June celebration:

The Commonwealth Heroines are women who don’t make the news, but make the difference. Thousands of women in every community of the state perform unheralded acts on a daily basis that make our homes, neighborhoods, cities, and towns better places to live. Commonwealth Heroines use their time, talent, spirit, and enthusiasm to enrich the lives of others in their community. They are mentors, volunteers, and innovators who strive to protect and represent the interests of seniors, victims of violence, children, immigrants, and other vulnerable populations. They are the glue that keeps a community together.” 

Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women

That description of Commonwealth Heroines reflects Ellie Goldberg’s view of civic engagement. Of the ceremony at the Gardiner Auditorium, Ms. Goldberg said she “was surprised at how really cool and moving it was.” Her sister “Heroines” ranged in age from eighteen to ninety.

Ellie Goldberg, has committed herself to working for healthy children, safe schools, and sustainable communities. Inspired by Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, detailing the health and environmental hazards of pesticides, Ms Goldberg has worked to influence public policy decisions promoting clean air, water, and energy. In addition to Mothers Out Front, the organizations benefiting from her organizational skills are Clean Water Action, Green Newton, and other locally focused groups. She credits her late husband Efrem’s encouragement and support in her speaking out on behalf of so many organizations and campaigns.

Recently, she has been active in the effort to ban the use of artificial turf at Albemarle Field, citing long-term scientific evidence that artificial turf contains PFAs (per- and polyfluoroakyl) chemicals — known as “forever” chemicals known to cause cancer. She likens herself to Cassandra sounding the alarm to deaf ears, but still she knows she must keep doing it.

Trained as a teacher, Ms.Goldberg founded to offer information for a wide range of advocacy resources and referral services dealing with childhood illnesses, particularly those linked to environmental causes. 

Since 2004, her project, Lessons of the 1937 Texas School Explosion, has been telling the stories of people who demonstrate an extraordinary sense of responsibility and leadership for the safety of children in their communities. She also produced Big Buildings, Big Machines, Big Stories, a video tribute to the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum in Chestnut Hill. The museum exemplifies a successful collaboration of a municipal agency engaged in promoting public health. She also facilitates Newton’s Campaign for a Future WithOut Gas (, advocating for clean energy and reducing the cost, risk, waste, and pollution of Newton’s leaky gas pipelines.

Just as promoting public health is Ellie Goldberg’s mission, she acknowledges her state representative, Kay Khan, who is a nurse and part of ”the culture of care.” Of engaging in political life, Ms Goldberg says, “I stay in my lane. I’m a backstage person,” but admires State Senator Cynthia Creem, and State Representatives Kay Khan and Ruth Balser, who serve with “no hidden agenda.” 

In explaining her nomination, Rep. Khan said:“It was my great honor to nominate my deserving and admired Newton constituent Ellie Goldberg, Class of 2024, at the 21st Annual Commonwealth Heroines Celebration of Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women. Watching Ellie’s dedication and leadership for years as a policy advocate and indefatigable environmental champion, even during COVID-19 on many Zoom calls, Ellie was always available as a resource representing Mothers Out Front, Green Newton, and other credible organizations. Additionally, Ellie is a strong believer in increasing civic engagement, government and corporate responsibility on behalf of children and their health related needs. Congratulations Ellie Goldberg, you make Newton proud.” 

The two women — a lifelong champion of children’s health and a pediactric and psychatric nurse – have joined forces to advance Rep. Khan’s bill to create a state “Children’s Cabinet” of representatives from every secretariat dealing with children, thereby breaking down the walls separating agencies and their function.

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