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Public Facilities Committee – 6/5/24 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to Approve the following (see Report and watch the meeting Video):

  • Eversource petition for Grant of Location in Jackson Road (8-0) to replace and relocate to poles. Eversource moved the wrong pole. 
  • Transfer $125,000 to the Library Building Maintenance- Electricity (7-0-1, Councilor Laredo Abstained). The money would be transferred from Library-Full Time Salaries savings due to vacancies. HVAC system replacement over the winter should lower electricity costs next summer. The parking lot solar panels cover roughly 40% of the Library’s electricity use.
  • Appropriate $3.2 million for Water Main Improvements in FY25 (7-0, Councilor Leary Not Voting) 
  • Appropriation of $2,888,274.38 for Transportation Network Improvement Program (7-0, Councilor Leary Not Voting) from the last of FY23’s free cash. The funds will be put toward the $9.5 million spent on highway maintenance annually.

The Public Facilities Committee voted to Hold the following: 

  • National Grid petition for a Grant of Location in Richardson Street to replace a gas pipe (8-0). Many questions on why the pipe had to be replaced and could not just be lined. Several “Councilors noted they would be voting against this grant of location and future grants of location until the City of Newton has a strategic plan to stop using methane gas.” (Back-up Documents)
  • Discussion on the Transportation Network Improvement Plan (7-0, Councilor Leary Not Voting). Newton has a road network rehabilitation and maintenance backlog of 274.75 miles, which would cost an estimated $126 million. Of Newton’s sidewalks, 41% rank as excellent or good. Ninety miles of sidewalk are cleared in the winter, and the City does not have the capability to handle more. The City aims to spend $9.5 million annually on highway maintenance.
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