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Newton’s Celebration of Queer Culture, June 15

Celebration of Queer Culture (CQC) is a youth-focused Pride event that highlights and provides education for parts of queer culture that are typically erased or taken out of the spotlight. It will take place on June 15, 10AM-3PM at the Newton City Hall War Memorial and Lawn.

Created by Rhiannon Esposito and Julia Dun Rappaport, two queer high school students, the event includes a queer history segment, queer art display, a panel highlighting the intersectionality of queer youth (touching on race, ethnicity, religion, and family makeup), live music, and performances. There will also be a space with an art activity for younger kids, as well as a resource fair with queer-centered community organizations.

For more information, check out CQC’s website, Instagram (@cqc_newton), or email and

NOTE: Organizers are aware that CQC falls on the same day as Newton’s celebration of Juneteenth and are working with the Juneteenth organizers to ensure Black and queer-identifying folks, and all community members are able to attend both events to the fullest.

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