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Ward 6 City Councilor Martha Bixby and Ward 2 City Councilor David Micley as Marshall the Paw Patrol Fire Pup

Newton’s 150th birthday celebrated at Newton Centre Fire Headquarters (slide show)

Continuing the celebration of the City of Newton’s 150th anniversary year, kids of all ages gathered at Fire Headquarters on June 2 to meet firefighters, marvel at firefighting gear, greet Marshall the Paw Patrol Fire Pup, learn about fire safety, and enjoy many hundreds of pancakes prepared by Newton favorite Joe Prestejohn and served by City Councilors.

Mayor Ruthanne Fuller described the purpose of the event: “We are here to have our community celebrate our wonderful first responders in the Fire Department, to enjoy using some fire hoses and crawling on some fire trucks and sitting inside of an ambulance, plus, we are celebrating Newton’s 150th birthday with instead of birthday, with pancakes, and maple syrup.”

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