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LeClair: I support the 78 Crafts Street development

I am a resident of Newton. We bought our house off of Crafts Street on the Newtonville/Nonantum line in 1977.  

I am also a business owner of a non-profit arts organization run from an office in my house. 

For all of our time here, the area behind what is now Whole Foods has been an industrial eyesore, changing from one industrial use to another, with the City Yard next door. 

But we live on a street where everyone has known one another for 45+ years. That is what Newton offers. A couple of years ago we were lucky enough to rent a 2nd floor apartment from one of our neighbors, and then rent our house to one of our children. We feel incredibly lucky to have our kids and grandkids across the street. They could not afford to rent or buy in Newton otherwise.

My studio, where I and my staffers often work together, was in my home, and I was able to keep it that way in my new apartment. We perform in the city of Newton, and our two part-time staffers must be able to get to our performance venues.  Only one of them has a car. Neither can afford housing in this city. They live in Quincy and Dorchester. 

Affordable housing for all is super important to us as parents, and as business owners in Newton.  

I support the building of 78 Crafts Street as it was represented to business owners by the Charles River Chamber of Commerce, of which my business is a member.

Amelia LeClair

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