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Grill: Will churches post signs saying “Stand Against Anti-Semitism”?

I am writing as a concerned Jewish resident of Newton, where I have lived for more than four decades.

Of late I have been deeply rattled by the wave of anti-Jewish hate sweeping the world, the country, and even our own city of Newton. This hatred has manifested itself locally in such incidents as rocks being thrown through people’s windows, swastikas drawn on school bathroom walls, posters of hostages torn and desecrated, and I STAND WITH ISRAEL lawn signs stolen from people’s private property. Too often, these actions tend to silence and intimidate.

Appalled, I felt moved to reach out to some of our local Newton churches with the request that they place a STAND AGAINST ANTI-SEMITISM lawn sign on their property. Many local churches have STOP ASIAN HATE and BLACK LIVES MATTER signs prominently displayed; it seemed only reasonable to add a voice to that chorus supportive of the Jewish community. It also seemed to me that churches have a unique opportunity to express their solidarity with Jews, and that doing so publicly would communicate intolerance of anti-Jewish hate in a uniquely powerful way. 

I reached out to at least eight churches. I enjoyed several lovely conversations with kind and empathic church representatives, but I found only one person willing to display the sign. Unfortunately, I have learned that condemning Anti-Semitism is apparently conflated with support for Israeli policy in Gaza, or with hostility towards the Muslim community — not at all the intention of a sign saying STAND AGAINST ANTI-SEMITISM.

I write this in the hope that all of us unite in expressing an absolute and unconditional rejection of anti-Jewish hate in all of its manifestations.


Rhoda Grill
Newton Centre

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