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Zoning & Planning Committee – 5/13/24 Report

Zoning & Planning approved the following (see Report and watch the meeting video):

  • Amendments to Short-term Rental Ordinances (Item #225-24): Require the property owner to list as the operator and other amendments to strengthen the ordinance. Discussed with Item #23-24 below. (8-0)

Zoning & Planning voted No Action Necessary on the following:

  • For-Profit Schools by Right (Item #182-24): No action is necessary as the amendments requested were already addressed in a previously approved item. (8-0)

Zoning & Planning held the following:

  • Short-term Rental Ordinance Compliance and Enforcement Update (Item #23-24): “In the last 2 years there have been 13 short-term rental complaints.” 8 are now closed, 5 are currently open and 1 has been referred to the Law Department for prosecution. 2 issues with the current ordinance are tenants of rental properties being the operators and identifying if a listing is registered. Law and Inspectional Services proposed amendments to resolve these issues, which, because they are not amendments to the zoning ordinance, do not require a public hearing or 2/3 vote to be adopted. The City is limited to charging a $300 fine and needs to take the individual to court to collect. (8-0)
  • Discussion on Aid for Small Businesses Impacted by Development (Item #24-24) & (Item #24-24(2)): Potential amendments discussed include incorporating fast food establishment use into restaurant uses (a special permit would be required for adding a drive-thru), allowing shared makerspaces and/or co-working, and define a place of amusement use. Concerns were raised over parking requirements and distinctions between small manufacturing and design and fabrication center definitions. The City will look into these amendments before the June 27 public hearing. (8-0)
  • Discussion of an Ordinance Amendment to Deal with Grade Changes Created During Construction Causing Stormwater Runoff on Neighboring Properties (Item #76-24): The proposed amendments aim to clarify the measurement of building height from the original grade and address the visual, environmental, and developmental impacts of grade manipulation. The formula for how building height is measured will not be changed, just the starting point of the measurements. June 10 public hearing. (8-0)
  • Discussion of possible amendments to change how building height is measured. (Item # 76-24(3)) Discussed with Item #76-24. June 10 public hearing. (8-0)
  • Preservation of Existing Homes (Item #85-24): The Planning Department will hold a detailed discussion with the Committee on June 10 on ordinance amendments to preserve existing homes over replacement by larger structures. (8-0)
  • Amend the Setbacks in MR Zones to Encourage Preservation of Existing Buildings (Item #41-24): This will be discussed with Item #85-24 on June 10. (8-0)
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