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Public Facilities Committee – 4/17/24 Report

Public Facilities approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

DPW Vehicle Replacement Program (Item #187-24): Authorization to spend $1 million from certified free cash to replace aging DPW vehicles, including two 6-wheel and one 10-wheel trucks, integral to operations like snow removal. Approved unanimously. (8-0)

Hydro Vacuum Excavator Truck Purchase (Item #196-24): Amended approval for the purchase of a hydro vacuum excavator truck, not a trailer, for $615,000. The truck will help reduce both trench cave ins and the chance for damage to surrounding infrastructure. It will be used by the Sewer and Water Division for excavations of water pipes, gate valves, and sewer lines. It could also be used to clean out stormwater infrastructure. Approved unanimously. (8-0)

Water Hydrant Flushing Program (Item #199-24): Authorization to spend $500,000 for the annual inspection and maintenance of fire hydrants to ensure water quality, with expectations for future costs to decrease when the Utilities Division is fully staffed. Approved unanimously. (8-0)

Stormwater Asset Management Plan Funding (Item #198-24): Authorization to accept a $150,000 State grant and to expend an additional $75,000 from city funds for updating the Stormwater Asset Management Plan to identify and prioritize areas for improvement. The grant includes a $25,000 additional match of in-kind services from City staff. Approved unanimously. (8-0)

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