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John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton Exec. Dir .David Sellers addresses the 2024 Gala attendees (photo: Emily Norton)

John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club: 27th Annual Gala

The John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton held its 27th Annual Gala on Saturday, May 11, where 250 attendees raised more than $200,000 – including  $60,000 specifically to support Youth Mental Health Initiatives over the next two school years and $30,000 for financial aid that makes club membership and camp programs affordable for all.

David Sellers, the Club’s Executive Director, said of the event, “The Gala is a celebration of the young people who make their home away from home at the Boys & Girls Club and the wonderful things they are all able to accomplish together. Guests were able to see and hear directly from the young people and parents whom they have had the opportunity to work with and help make a difference for.”

Under this year’s Gala theme of “Here for You(th) Whatever It Takes,” the evening’s program featured videos, speaker presentations, and live interactions with kids and parents to illustrate all the ways the Club supports families. On short notice, during last winter’s Newton Teacher’s strike, the Club opened its doors and served more than 440 students while schools were closed. Tyler Vasquez, named Youth of the Year, delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of the Club in his life.

Youth of the Year Tyler Vasquez speaking at the Gala (photo: Emily Norton)

While membership fees are held to just $125 per family for a school year, the Club’s policy is that anyone can participate and no one is ever turned away. Fundraisers such as the Gala enable the Club to provide a complete, wholistic experience to all young people, regardless of income or background.

The Club offers safe, affordable, accessible childcare for school-age children during out-of-school time — daily and Saturdays throughout the winter along with a summer day camp with field trips. With 760 current members, the Club serves over 2000 children annually with programs in the areas of Leadership, The Arts, Education, Athletics, and Recreation.

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