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Zoning & Planning Committee – 4/8/24 Report

The Zoning & Planning Committee approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

Special Permit for Retaining Walls Over Four Feet (Item #76-24(2)): Approval of an ordinance amendment requiring a special permit for retaining walls over four feet, with modifications to include multiple walls within 25 feet as one structure for permit considerations. (7-0, Councilor Albright abstaining)

Cleanup of Zoning Ordinance (Item #132-24): General updates and clarifications to the zoning ordinance to correct inconsistencies and transcription errors, enhancing clarity for enforcement and compliance. (7-0-1, Councilor Kalis abstaining)

Incentives for Small Businesses (Item #133-24): Amendments to zoning laws to promote small businesses by allowing more flexibility for home businesses and revising definitions related to personal services, such as separating small private educational/tutoring/etc. from more general educational uses and allowing retail and personal service uses by-right in MU1 and BU5 Districts. (8-0)

FY2025 Annual Action Plan Submission to Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (Item #167-24): Authorization to submit the FY2025 Annual Action Plan to HUD, outlining projected use of $1,864,303 in Community Development Block Grants, $1,652,605 in HOME Investment Partnership Program and $164,388 Emergency Solutions Grant funds, including allocations from the American Rescue Plan. 60% of CDBG funds will go to affordable housing, 15% to human services (child care assistant, mental health programs, etc.), 5% to Architectural Access (pedestrian improvements at the Langley, Beacon, and Sumner intersection) (8-0)

The Zoning & Planning Committee held the following:

Update on Short-term Rental Ordinance Compliance (Item #23-24): The Law Department and Inspectional Services Department are crafting amendments to help with enforcement issues, such as ambiguity on the owners’ responsibility. Enforcement of the ordinance is complaint-driven and requires residents to file a complaint. (8-0)

Discussion on Possible Amendments to Preserve Existing Homes (Item #85-24): The Planning Department provided information on teardowns. Most occurred on larger parcels, with smaller, post-war homes. Planning is looking at potential changes to FAR calculations and zoning regulations, similar to those in Needham and Lexington, to promote adaptive reuse of buildings instead of tear-downs and distinguish between good and bad teardowns. (8-0)

Setbacks in MR Zones (Item #41-24): Consideration of ordinance amendments to adjust setbacks in Multi-Residence zones to better preserve existing housing and encourage diverse housing options near transit. (8-0)

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