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Tami Gambiza running for Fig City News (photo: Jack Prior)

Tami Gambiza joins community of Boston Marathoners

On April 15, Tami Gambiza ran his first Boston Marathon, raising funds for Fig City News. Already connected in Newton as treasurer of Fig City News and trustee of Newton’s Affordable Housing Trust, on Patriots’ Day he joined the community of people who have run the Boston Marathon. His story:

The Marathon may be competitive for the elite runners up front, but for the charity runners like me, in the Fourth [and last] Wave of starters, it’s all about cooperation. On the route, I connected with so many runners from all over. We were all supporting and encouraging each other, cheering each other on. If a runner stopped, others would ask if he or she was OK.

In the buses and in the corrals before the starting line, everyone had talked about their training and their goals for the day. And at the starting line, everyone was so elated and determined and energetic! As the weather got warm, though, you could feel the change: The goals changed from personal bests to enjoying the day. It was a hot day, but a beautiful day!

I walked some parts. In Wellesley, I could feel I might be getting some cramps, so I walked a bit there. But mostly I ran at an easy pace. I saw that many runners had a gliding style of running, not raising their feet much, and I adopted that for much of the race. Very efficient! I needed that for those long, low hills in Wellesley.

Heartbreak Hill? I trained there so much in the last couple of months, since I live not very far from the base. In my training runs, I felt confident. But what a difference to run Heartbreak Hill after running 20 miles! Completely different. I have a new level of respect for all Boston Marathoners, especially the elite runners.

Crossing the finish line was amazing, of course. Now I know why all the runners get wrapped in shiny Mylar blankets. Your body generates so much heat while running, but when you stop, your core temperature drops quickly.

After finishing, all through downtown Boston, everyone with a medal was congratulating everyone else, because each knew what the other had accomplished. Joyous. At the Mile 27 party on City Hall plaza and on the Green Line home, we all talked about the day. No one was a stranger.

So many people came from far away, but on City Hall Plaza I met one person from Newton. He saw the logo on my shirt and said, “Fig City News! I’m from Newton. I love Fig City News!” No kidding.

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