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Public Safety & Transportation – 4/3/24 Report

Public Safety & Transportation voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

New Public Auto Licenses: Vasif Vali’s request for a new public auto license for Vali Bros Transportation LLC, and Abderrahmane Fellah’s request for AB Inc., were both approved after vehicles passed inspections. (7-0)

Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 41, Section 100G: Approval for the City to provide up to $2,000 for funeral and burial expenses for firefighters or police officers killed in the line of duty, aligning city policy with state law. (7-0)

Public Safety & Transportation voted No Action Necessary on the following:

Discussion on School Safety Protocols: The Newton School Department and Police described current protocols for safety drills (fire, active shooter). Police would like to consistently use ALICE (alert, lockdown, inform, counter, evacuate) across the City in schools, library, houses of worship, etc. All Newton Police are trained in ALICE. Schools currently use a system similar to ALICE. They are focusing on developing protocols for before, after and out-of-school-day programs. Councilors asked about children being traumatized by safety drills. The School Department said there is not much research available on the topic and that the drills are age-appropriate. (7-0)

Traffic Enforcement Strategies: Police said top traffic complaint is speeding. The Police focus enforcement on high crash locations, but because they do not have a dedicated Traffic Enforcement Division, officers can be called away at any time. Crashes are primarily caused by distracted and aggressive drivers. Road design and traffic signals can help prevent crashes. Police are struggling to hire, train, and retain police officers. Automated enforcement would help, but it is not legal in Massachusetts. (7-0)

Public Safety & Transportation voted to hold the following:

Use of Body Cameras in the Newton Police Department: The Police would like to start with a pilot body camera program for Sergeants, the Superintendent, and the Chief. Union negotiations are necessary for body cameras on other officers. The Chief is exploring best practices for footage storage and use. A Councilor expressed frustration at the lack of progress on this issue after three years of discussion. (7-0)

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