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Newton Nomadic Theater: Story Slam, May 30

On Thursday, May 30 at 7PM the Newton Nomadic Theater will host a Nomad Story Slam at the West Newton Cinema (1296 Washington Street, West Newton), with all proceeds to benefit the West Newton Cinema Foundation.

The theme of the night is “setting the scene.” Come throw your name in the hat to tell a 5-minute story on nearly any topic you can think of, so long as you “set the scene” …or just come to listen to some fabulous stories from your Newton neighbors.

There will also be a few invited guest storytellers as well – to be announced.

Purchase tickets ($10) here.

The event is a fundraiser for the West Newton Theater Foundation, which is closing in on its goal to raise enough money by August 10 to buy the cinema — so that it can continue to be a beloved neighborhood anchor and meeting place for the next generation. Please consider making a personal donation today to the Foundation to help ensure the goal is met by August 10. Donations of any and all sizes are welcome, and all donations will be matched 100% by an anonymous donor.

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