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Finance Committee – 4/8/24 Report

Finance voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 100G: Authorization for the City to provide up to $2,000 for funeral and burial expenses for firefighters or police officers killed in the line of duty, aligning city policy with state law. (6-0, Councilor Lipof not voting)

Massachusetts MOTT FY24 Budget Grant: Acceptance of a $42,500 grant for stormwater management and beautification alongside Albemarle Park. (7-0)

Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism FY24 State Budget Earmark: Acceptance of a $75,000 grant for boardwalk and trail improvements to Kennard Park, Kessler Woods, and the Upper Falls Greenway; and a separate $50,000 grant for enhancements at Farlow Park. (7-0 for each)

Transfer of Funds for Newton South High School: Authorization to transfer $165,000 from Current Year Budget Reserves for resurfacing tennis courts at Newton South High School. (7-0)

Reappointment of James Pellegrine as a Constable (7-0)

Finance voted to hold the following:

Audit Services Contract Discussion: Discussion on whether to extend the current audit services contract or seek a new auditor as the current contract with CLA is nearing its end. The contract does not need to go out for a competitive bid. The next audit starts in May. The contract decision will be made by the Comptroller and the Chair of the Finance Committee. (7-0)

Special Counsel for Turtle Lane Site: Discussion on whether to hire outside special counsel for enforcement of permits at the Turtle Lane site in Auburndale. The Law Department asked to continue work on the issue before discussing bringing in outside counsel. The developer has $6.5 million in outstanding fines due to the City. (7-0)

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