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Alex Jablon announces his candidacy for 11th Middlesex House seat

At the age of 28, (mostly) lifelong Newton resident Alex Jablon is a Democratic candidate for State Representative for the 11th Middlesex district, the seat currently held by Rep. Kay Khan, who has announced she plans to retire at the end of this year. Currently, Jablon is an internal auditor at RTX Corporation (formerly known as Raytheon), where he has worked since graduating from Indiana University in 2018. Since last June, he has served on Newton’s Financial Audit Advisory Committee, appointed by then President of the City Council, Susan Albright.

When asked why his first run for political office is for State Representative, Jablon said he has long been interested in the Massachusetts state legislature, saying this political body is extremely important but often gets overlooked. He said that Massachusetts, despite great strengths, has issues to address, including in housing, education, transportation, and the climate. Jablon highlighted recent teacher strikes in the area as a sign that teachers are not paid sufficiently. He said Massachusetts is a great place to live but has many 21st-century problems that require 21st-century solutions. 

Jablon grew up in Newton, attending Cabot Elementary School, Day Middle School, and Newton North High School, graduating in 2014. While running for the state legislature, Jablon is also working to complete an MBA at UNC Chapel Hill by the end of this year. Jablon is quite aware of his demanding 2024 schedule, balancing his run for the legislature with his job at RTX and MBA program. He feels that his recent education gives him added perspective. 

When asked about his decision to seek public office, Jablon described his motivations. He said a class in ethics at Indiana University with former member of U.S. Congress Jill Long Thompson, a Democrat from Indiana, inspired his interest in public service. More recently, during the COVID period, he was surprised at the scope of poverty and hunger in Newton when he visited the Newton Food Pantry’s “Freedge” in Nonantum. The great demand for food at that time crystallized for him the many crucial needs that local residents have.

Jablon contends that his experience as an auditor would benefit the state and add perspective to the legislature. He would seek to be on the legislature’s audit committee, leveraging his knowledge, experience, and skill in that area. As an auditor, Jablon contends that we need more transparency in state government, stating that Massachusetts ranks in the lower third of the U.S. in government transparency. 

Jablon intends to evaluate the bidding process for projects and public works at the state level. While he is in favor of more funding for the MBTA, Jablon insists that we need more oversight. He said, “We spend more and more money and get less service.” He said that the MBTA needs to be more accountable to the public. Jablon said that at RTX he has managed budgets in excess of $100 million and knows that hard decisions must be made on tax and revenue issues. 

Jablon spoke admiringly of Kay Khan, the district’s current state representative. He would like to emulate Khan by leading based on his expertise. He said that Khan has been, and continues to be, a leader in healthcare, benefiting from her nursing career and education. He described Representative Khan as a fierce advocate for Newton and for healthcare throughout Massachusetts. Finally, he described his respect for Khan’s political courage in “standing up” to legislative leadership. 

Regarding his campaign plan, Jablon said that while it is still in development, his intention is to go door-to-door, meeting constituents and hearing from them until the September primary. To learn more about Alex Jablon and his campaign, go to his web site at:

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