School Committee will hold a special meeting in person (Ed Center, Room 210) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:30PM. The agenda includes the following:
- Consent Agenda
- Approval of 3/4/2024 Meeting Minutes
- International/Out-of-State Overnight Field Trips
- McKinney-Vento Reimbursement
- Helpsy Bins Reimbursement
- Grant Awards
- Approve 5-year Substitute Vendor Contract
- Superintendent’s Report
- Superintendent’s Proposed FY25 Budget
- Budget Review
- Elementary and Secondary Education
- Action Items/Discussions/Updates
- Policy Revisions Review-JKAA (Physical Restraint)
UPDATE: The documents uploaded for the meeting include:
- A presentation giving an overview of the budgeting philosophy used as well as sources and uses of funding,
- A presentation specific to highlights in the FY25 elementary and secondary budgets, and
- The 202-page detailed budget document.
Ed. Note: We updated this article to include links to meeting documents provided after initial posting.