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Finance Committee – 2/26/24 Report

The Finance Committee voted to Approve (see Report and NewTV video):

  • CPC Recommendation to appropriate $125,500 in CPA funding (7-0-1, Councilor Humphrey abstaining) for a grant to the Second Church in Newton for work including restoration of the masonry and replacement of the roof and drainage system at the main entrance to the building. This project is also eligible for state funds. The total project budget is $260,600. A councilor noted concern regarding using public funds for a religious building.
  • Acceptance of $27,500 from National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Grant (8-0) to help the Health and Humans Services Dept pay for their inspection software/materials.
  • Authorization to accept $30,785 grant from the Massachusetts Office on Disability for Williams Elementary School Playground Accessibility Improvements (8-0) to purchase and install an accessible swing structure.
  • Authorization to accept and expend the sum of $35,000 from the Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant (8-0) for Firefighter Safety Equipment.
  • Transfer $446,104.67 to Opioid Mitigation Special Revenue Fund (8-0) to move opioid funds from the last fiscal year to an opioid mitigation special revenue fund. This is an accounting change allowed by a December 2023 State Law.
  • Authorization to issue an RFP for NPS Food Service Contract (7-0-1, Councilor Humphrey opposed). Six companies responded to a pre-bid meeting for a five-year contract. The lunch program is used by approximately 32% of students. One lunch per day is free and paid for by the State. The City is required to provide a full meal for State reimbursement. A councilor noted their concern about outsourcing this contract.
  • Appropriate $1,191,000 for the replacement of Newton Free Library’s HVAC System (7-0, Councilor Gentile not voting). Project was sent out to bid. The city will receive $10,000 utility company rebate upon project completion. The equipment is past its useful life.
  •  Establish NPS Educational Stabilization Fund (8-0) to prevent overlay surplus funds from automatically becoming part of the general fund at the end of each fiscal year. Funds from this account would be used for faculty, staff, initiatives, programs, services, curriculum, and anything that relates to the administration of educational services by Newton Public Schools. A two-thirds Council vote is required to create, dissolve, or change the purpose of the stabilization fund. A majority Council vote can deposit money into or withdraw money from the fund. Interest earned on the fund must go into the City’s general fund. The purpose of the NPS Educational Stabilization Fund shall be to provide funding for educational purposes including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, initiatives, programs, services, curriculum, and any such expenditures that relate to the provision of educational services by the Newton Public Schools.
  • Appropriate funds to a NPS Educational Stabilization Fund (8-0) from Overlay Surplus ($18,200,000), interest income that has accumulated as part of the $18.2 million Overlay Surplus ($800,000), and June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash ($3,000,000) to the NPS Educational Stabilization Fund, for a total of $22 million.
  • Appropriate and expend the amount of $2.3 million from the Overlay Surplus and $5.5 million from the ATB Interest and Penalties account to NewCAL, reducing bonding authorization (6-0-2, Councilors Humphrey and Bixby abstaining). This is 30% of the Overlay Surplus, and 70% went to the NPS Educational Stabilization Fund. NewCAL project design will begin once the City receives Federal ARPA funds.
  • Authorization to issue refunding bonds (8-0) to reduce interest costs. The Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to issue refunding bonds.
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