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Traffic Council – 1/18/2024 Report

The Traffic Council voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the NewTV video):  

  • A ‘STOP’ sign at the Station Avenue northbound approach to Lake Avenue (a T intersection). The Committee voted to approve 5-0.
  • To add a 20 mph Safety Zone on Lowell from Elmwood Park to Claflin Park and on Lowell from a point 350 feet north of Arden Road to Austin Street to keep children and seniors safe in an area with two parks, a daycare, high school, and soon NewCAL. The Committee voted to approve 5-0.
  • Request to make changes to the Traffic and Parking Regulations for the following two dead-end segments of the Commonwealth Avenue carriageway: between Robinhood Street and Rowe Street; and between Arapahoe Road and Windermere Road. Two-way traffic circulation will officially be permitted and parking will be restricted on one side of these two segments. The Committee voted to approve 5-0,
  • To modify the parking regulations on Lowell Avenue near the intersection of Austin Street, to reflect recent traffic calming construction at the intersection, which includes rumble strips, no parking signs, and a small island that were installed on Walnut Street. The Committee voted to approve 4-0, Councilor Downs not voting.

All approved items can be appealed through February 7, 2024.

The Traffic Council voted to Hold:

  • Request for an accessible parking space at 5 Murphy Court. The Committee held the item for a trial of the following: (1) Relocate the “no parking here to corner” sign on the north side of Murphy Court 10 feet easterly, to be positioned 50 feet west of Adams Street, to be consistent with the existing location as included in the Traffic and Parking Regulations. (2) Install one new accessible parking space, to be located on the north side of Murphy Court, beginning 70 feet to the west of Adams Street. (One unrestricted parking space will be located between 50 and 70 feet west of Adams Street, on the north side of Murphy Court.) The Committee voted to hold the item 5-0.

The Traffic Council voted No Action Necessary on the following items:

  • Approval of an accessible parking space at 9 Murphy Court space was approved by the Commission on Disability. The item was discussed with a request for an accessible parking space at 5 Murphy Court. The Committee voted 5-0.
  • An update to the Traffic and Parking Regulations in order to allow nonmotorized vehicles (bicycles) to legally travel southbound on the one-way block of Brookside Avenue between Watertown Street and Albemarle Road. The item is being held for a long-term trial. Staff will continue to look for opportunities to add signage and/or flex posts, will monitor the trial and will make modifications as needed. Concerns about cars parking in the bicycle lane. 1 resident spoke in opposition to the trial and suggested a contra-flow bike lane on Walker Street and Page Avenue. The Committee voted 4-0, Councilor Downs not voting.
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