The School Committee met with Superintendent Anna Nolin on February 1 to discuss ways to adjust the school calendar to make up for days lot in the Teachers Strike. After the strike ended on February 2, the Superintendent issued a memo on February 3 describing how the school calendar will be adjusted to comply with the state mandate of 180 school days by June 30.
- Four days of February break (February 20-23) will become school days. (Monday, February 19 remains a federal holiday.)
- The school year for students will extend to June 26 (June 27 for students at Franklin Elementary because of an earlier one-day closure for that school).
- Four of the days in the April break (April 16-19) may be used for make-up school days if needed for any additional snow days.
- No students will be penalized for absences due to “commitments, jobs, internships, etc.”
- High school students will not have grades or credit impacted by absences during makeup days during February 20-23 or after June 24.
- High-school principals are working to reschedule missed athletic events and determine how to handle AP tests.
- High-school graduation dates will not change.