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Yeo: Clarifying information about use of ARPA and CARES funds for NPS

Regarding comments by NTA President Mike Zilles about Mayor Fuller’s designation of federal pandemic funds for Newton Public Schools (NPS), I’d like to clarify the information.

Mayor Fuller invested over $28 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and CARES funds, approximately 40% of the City’s total, in the NPS. NPS also directly received more than $9 million in federal funds and grants during the pandemic. 

The APRA and CARES school investments from the $28 million included:

  • $5.5 million in funds to sustain NPS operations during the massive downturn in City revenue created by the pandemic, to minimize layoffs and disruptions to schools (ARPA),
  • $4.9 million to improve the ventilation systems in all school buildings (CARES),
  • Almost $1.0 million on the health and safety of our educators, staff, and students through COVID-19 medical screenings and testing (CARES)
  • $500,000 on tents for outdoor learning, space reconfiguration, and physical distancing strategies in schools (CARES).  
  • $2.0 million for elementary reading curriculum (ARPA)
  • $3.2 million for NPS employee stipends related to the pandemic (ARPA)
  • $4.2 million for NPS athletic facility improvements (ARPA)
  • $2.4 million in school facility design and maintenance projects (ARPA)
  • $2.3 million for NPS Covid expenditures (ARPA)
  • $1.0 million for NPS school technology (ARPA)

Another key purpose of ARPA was to provide direct recovery for people and businesses in the community. Newton provided funding for emergency housing relief, economic stability for low-income families, affordable housing, and business recovery. While Newton provided $22 million in ARPA funding to NPS, we also used $28.9 million of ARPA funds for COVID response, housing and human services, financial recovery for the City, businesses, and residents. $12.6 million was invested in critical infrastructure and parks improvements.

The City’s website has information about the City’s ARPA investments and the FY2024 City Budget.

Jonathan Yeo
Chief Operating Officer, City Newton

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