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Rep. Jake Auchincloss on Newton Teachers Strike

Newton’s Congressional Representative, Jake Auchincloss, issued this statement about the Newton Teachers Strike on January 29:

Students should be in school. Missing seven school days – and counting – is disruptive and unfair to our children, and their parents. The messages I’m receiving from families facing another uncertain week are distressing. I’m hearing as well the concerns of our teachers, who gave me a superb education and who deserve to feel valued in a city that prides itself on its schools.

I am not party to these negotiations, but I am monitoring them closely because I understand how critical they are to the present and future of my hometown. Both the mayor and the union president have my number; I’m available 24/7. For the good of our city – for our families, our educators, and most of all, for our students, I am imploring both parties to ensure that schools are open tomorrow.

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