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Micley: Housing and MBTA Communities Act: Comparing Newton and Brookline

recent Boston Globe Op-Ed compares Newton’s and Brookline’s zoning updates to address the regional housing shortage. Brookline is framed as the housing hero that “adopted one of the most significant zoning reforms in town history” while Newton is described as passing “a watered-down housing plan.” As a current Newton City Councilor and former Brookline Town Meeting Member, I challenge this juxtaposition.   

When you look beyond the headlines on how Newton and Brookline responded to the MBTA Communities Act, you see similar stories. Both communities were initially strongly divided between those that wanted significantly more housing than what the state required and those that wanted to meet but not exceed those same requirements. Both communities ultimately arrived at compromise proposals that received near unanimous “across the aisle” support. Brookline Town Meeting voted 207-33-1 and Newton City Council voted 21-2-1. 86% support in Brookline vs 88% support in Newton…but who’s counting?

Sure, there are differences. Brookline’s zoning reform goes up to 4 stories while Newton’s goes up to 4.5 stories (and 5.5 for buildings that are 50% affordable). For larger projects, Brookline requires 15% affordable housing while Newton’s inclusionary zoning starts at 15% but goes up to 20%. With those numbers it’s hard to argue that Newton is behind Brookline in zoning for more housing.  

Differences aside, the bigger story is that the MBTA Communities Act, a law written by housing advocates, was a big ask and both municipalities should be recognized for complying and taking meaningful steps to address our regional housing shortage. Newton’s requirement was 8,330 by-right units and Brookline’s was 6,990 – both Newton and Brookline ultimately met and exceeded those requirements in what was the biggest zoning reform for either community in generations.

Give Brookline credit to where it’s due. Just give it to Newton, too.

David Micley
Ward Councilor, Ward 2

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