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DiVitto & Renaud: Stop expansion of private jet capacity at Hanscom Field

As part of a growing number of citizens concerned about climate change (including heat waves, floods, and fires), we want to advocate against the proposed plan by developers to expand private jet capacity at Hanscom Field in Bedford, MA. Hanscom is owned by Massport and is the largest private jet airport in New England. The result of the planned increase raises serious concerns about the impact on the climate emergency we and our children and grandchildren are now facing.

The increased private jet expansion capacity would be for the exclusive use of private luxury travel of the wealthy and not for humanitarian or military use. Carbon emissions from these jets would contribute significantly to air pollution and increase health impacts.

In addition, carbon emissions from private jets cancel out 50% of the climate benefit from all the solar photo voltaic panels (over 4 Giga Watts) already installed in Massachusetts. For comparison, a typical car emits approximately 5 tons of carbon dioxide per year, whereas, a typical private jet emits approximately 20 tons of carbon dioxide per 2.5 hour flight.

Many cities and towns are working to reduce our carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability and equity. We need to protect our environment and the health of all residents.

We are asking people to join the opposition to this expansion by signing the Petition (at to Gov. Healy to stop this project.

Barbara DiVitto, Newton Centre
Melanie Renaud, Chestnut Hill
members of Mothers Out Front, Newton Chapter

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