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CAN-DO seeks volunteers for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program

Volunteering for VITA is an opportunity to help your neighbors receive the tax credits many of them are entitled to — such as the Earned Income Tax credit.  

VITA — Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program — is an IRS-sponsored program that offers free tax help to people with low to moderate incomes (generally, $74,000 and below) who are seeking assistance in preparing their tax returns. Certified volunteers sponsored by various organizations receive training from the IRS to become certified tax preparers to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country.

CAN-DO is partnering with the IRS to become a VITA site in Newton.

Interested parties will be invited to participate in a Zoom presentation to learn about about the requirements of the program, and they will have an opportunity to have their questions answered. This will provide them with the information they need to decide if they wish to make the commitment to be trained.

If you are interested in learning more about the VITA program and the expectations of a volunteer, please contact Josephine McNeil, Executive Director of CAN-DO, at either 617-906-7293 or

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