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Programs & Services Committee – 11/30/23 Report

The Programs & Services Committee voted to Approve (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Request for Amendments to the Tree Ordinance. According to the Report, the Committee unanimously supported the following:
    • Summary of tree permit process including ordinance applicability to all trees six inches and larger to be added
    • Tree permit applicants will be required to submit a list of abutters’ addresses. 
    • Tree Protection Plan is required for tree permit applications.
    • Certified arborist statement is required when grade changes on applicants and abutting lots.
    • Clarification that the Tree Warden review of permit application applies to tree permits and exemption permits.
    • New section stating standard of granting exemption permits similar for tree permits
    • Tree Warden has the authority to create conditions to protect trees on abutting lots if they fall within the Tree Save Area.
    • The Tree Warden may not waive the required contents of an exemption permit.
    • Documentation required of protective measures to be submitted prior to commencement of work
    • New effective date is March 1, 2024. 
    • Tree Warden will submit an annual report including the size of trees planted and removed.

In addition, the Committee voted the following:

  • Invasive tree species are not exempt, but the Tree Warden can waive replacement requirements.
  • Low-income individuals are exempt from the application fee and replacement costs.
  • A warning provision was added. Repeat offenders will be tracked on the NewGov permitting system.
  • Amendments to Chapter 21, Art III & Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3 were discussed concurrently.

The Committee voted to approve 6-0 for amended Councilor version and voted No Action Necessary on the Mayor/Administration/Tree Warden docket item.

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