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Joint Public Facilities and Finance – 12/11/2023 Report

The Public Facilities Committees voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the NewTV video):

  • Request to appropriate $15,000 from June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash, for Elections Postage for the City Clerk’s Office. According to the report, 14,000 vote-by-mail ballots were sent in the last election, and 48% of them were returned. The Clerk’s Office will be asking for a line item increase in the next budget. The city gets envelopes from the State nd they post pay for the postage on the way back, but the city does have to pay for the postage for it to go out to get metered in the mail room. The Committee voted 7-0, Councilor Norton not voting.

The Finance & Public Facilities Committees voted to approve the following:

  • Request to appropriate $3,000,000 from the Stormwater Fund Balance for dredging of the City Hall Ponds. According to the report, 2013 was the last time ponds were dredged. The City rebid the project twice, seeking a lower bid. Huge price increase due to increased cost of dumping silt. Fewer landfills are available to take silt. Dredging will not prevent the library parking lot from flooding in a deluge. The city is looking to see if removing smaller amounts will be easier to dispose of and less costly. It may become a yearly maintenance item. The Conservation Committee will be at dredging to help move the frogs and turtles in the pond. Both Committees voted to approve 8-0.
  • Amended docket language funding NewCAL (Newton Center for Active Living), formerly the Senior Center.  According to the report, the project cost estimates risen from $20.5 million a year ago to $30.5 million. No change in project scope. The estimated annual cost for a 30-year bond is $600,000. Anticipated completion date spring/summer 2025. The amended language requests $10,000,000 in addition to the $19,500,000 as shown in Council Order 345-22, and authorization for a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for the Newton Center for Active Living (NewCAL) and authorization to apply any premium received upon the sale of the bonds or notes, less the cost of preparing, issuing, and marketing them, and any accrued interest received upon the delivery of the bonds or notes to the costs of the project and to reduce the amount authorized to be borrowed for the project by like amount. Both Committees voted to approve 8-0.

The Finance Committee approved the following:

  • Acceptance of $174,910 from the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Policing Services. According to the report, the funds would be used for a 5-month national training program on how to build rapport with different community members to help the police department work with the community in solving crimes, dealing with issues that arise in the community, etc. Because of staff shortages, PD is not sure it has enough people for the grant. The Committee voted to approve 8-0.
  • Acceptance of $190,000 from MassDOT’s Community Transit Grant Program FY24 . According to the report, the grant is for seniors and riders with disabilities. The funds would go to NewMo. NewMo has roughly 3,000 riders per month and an annual budget of $600,000. The city said the main focus of NewMo will be senior transportation. The Committee voted to approve 8-0.
  • Authorization to expend $33,333 in transportation mitigation funds on NewMo Operation from the 15 Riverdale Avenue development. According to the report, the funds will go to NewMo. The Committee voted to approve 8-0.
  • Request to transfer $50,000 from Street Division – Full-Time Wages to the Workers Compensation – Legal Claims and Settlements account. The Committee voted to approve 7-0, Councilor Noel not voting.
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