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Joint Finance and Programs & Services Committee – 11/28/23 Report

The Joint Finance and Programs & Services Committees voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Request to appropriate $2,400,000 for Synthetic Turf Carpet at Newton North High School’s Dickinson Field. According to the report, the request is for $2,400,000 – $992,607 for construction costs, $1,282,393 for the turf and infill materials, and $125,000 for administrative services related to the design and construction. The City stated benefits from artificial turf include: an increased athletic season, the ability for sports to be safely overlaid, and the ability to allow more space for higher impact sports. It is recommended that the turf be replaced every 8-10 years. The City hopes that the project will be completed before fall 2024 athletic pre-season. The report notes that multiple councilors expressed concern that the project is being funded through Free Cash while the creation of a synthetic turf field at Albemarle is being funded through ARPA. Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Yeo noted that the City had been planning on funding this project with Free Cash for many years. Although several councilors expressed concern regarding the environmental and health factors of synthetic turf, CDM Smith, who is the consultant on the project stated that the materials were tested and that very low amounts of PFAS were detected under very extreme conditions. Parks, Recreation, and Culture Commissioner, Nicole Banks noted that the Commissioner of Health and Human Services had no safety concerns regarding PFAS. The Committees voted as follows: Finance 5-1-1, Councilor Malakie Opposed, Councilor Humphrey Abstained; Programs & Services 6-1-1 Councilor Wright Opposed, Councilor Humphrey Abstained.

The Joint Committees were not in agreement on the following item:

  • Request to appropriate $50,000 from the BAA Marathon Account to the Parks, Recreation & Culture for a “Heartbreak Hill” banner and 2 new light poles at 360 Commonwealth Avenue to hold the banner. According to the report, the current banner is held over the street tied between 2 bucket trucks. Some councilors liked the new design while others expressed that the money could be better spent on playground improvements and whether there would be any cost savings realized compared to the current method of displaying the banner. The Finance Committee voted to deny the request 7-0; Programs & Services approved the request 5-2-1, Councilors Humphrey and Noel Opposed, Councilor Wright Abstained.
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