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Crane ready to lift tamper from Waban parking lot to Green Line tracks

Green Line Riverside ‘D’ Line closed Dec. 11-20

In a major project to eliminate slow zones on the Green Line, the MBTA has closed rail service between Riverside and Kenmore stations on the Riverside ‘D’ line, December 11-20. The MBTA’s alternative travel options during the closure include:

  • Shuttle bus service for all closed stations except Beaconsfield.
  • Express shuttle buses from Riverside and Woodland, direct to Copley, 6AM-10AM weekdays.
  • Express shuttle buses from Copley, direct to Riverside and Woodland, 3PM-7PM weekdays.
Alternative routes during Green Line Riverside ‘D’ Line closure, Dec. 11-20, 2023

Contractors are working around the clock to repair the tracks while service is stopped. The largest machine used for this is a tamper — a rail car that moves along the track, lifting the rails, replacing the ties under the rails, aligning the rails, and setting the stone ballast. A very large crane in the Waban station parking lot was used to lift the tamper off its oversized delivery trailer and then lift it over the Green Line’s electrical wires, onto the track.

Tamper ready to be lifted onto Green Line tracks at Waban station

This project follows earlier closures of the Green Line for track and signal improvements in 2021 and 2022.

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