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Zoning & Planning Committee – 10/23/23 Report

The Zoning & Planning Committee voted to Approve (see Report):

  • Community Preservation Committee recommendation to appropriate $1,967,119 in Community Preservation Act funding (7-0) to the Newton Affordable Housing Trust, controlled by the Planning & Development Department for future projects. $562,034 to come from the FY24 Community Housing Reserve Account, $1,405,085 from FY24 Unrestricted Funding Account. CPC will have about $7 million left in reserve.

The Zoning & Planning Committee voted to Hold:

  • Discussion and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map regarding village center districts (5-1-1, Councilor Wright opposed, Councilor Baker abstained)
  • Discussion on state guidance for implementing the Housing Choice Bill (7-0)

Items were discussed together. 

Text amendment approved:

  • (6-1, Councilor Leary opposed) requiring 1 on-site parking space per unit for new buildings constructed in the MRT zone.

Map Amendments approved:

  • (7-0) removing all VC2 in Nonantum east of Adams St.
  • (7-0) changing 304-306 and 308-322 Walnut St from VC3 to VC2 to preserve the view of the iconic Masonic temple in Newtonville.
  • (7-0) changing 911 and 899 Washington St from VC3 to VC2 in Newtonville because of a dangerous intersection and development in the area.
  • (7-0) adding 1535 Beacon St to VCOD as MRT in Waban. The change was requested by the landowner.
  • (6-0-1, Councilor Wright abstaining) changing 68-70 Wyman Street from VC3 to VC2. The lot is adjacent to the MBTA lot and a VC2 building.
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