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Song: Lisa Gordon for Ward 6 Councilor

I am writing to support Lisa Gordon for Ward 6’s Ward Councilor. I’ve known Lisa for many years and continue to rely on her expertise on Newton. Lisa was the first person I asked to help us when the City proposed to cut the elementary orchestra and increase class sizes. Lisa’s contributions from her experience helping to save the Newton South jazz band were instrumental in our efforts.

I trust Lisa to do what is best for Newton. She takes the common sense position that we should only add the 8,330 new residential units for Newton (a city of 33,000 residences) mandated by the Commonwealth’s MBTA Act rather than adding the 15,000 or more residences proposed by the city councilors backing her opponent. Our traffic has already increased and become more dangerous to pedestrians and bikers. The school budget is strained. I trust Lisa to figure out how to best plan for the MBTA Act housing units and no more without a clear, thoughtful plan.

You can learn more about Lisa on her website. She loves to hear from Newton residents so I encourage you to email her at Thank you and please vote for Lisa for Ward 6 Councilor on Tuesday, November 7.

Patrick Song
Mason-Rice parent and former PTO co-Treasurer
Co-founder of Save Newton Strings
Newton Centre

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