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Public Safety and Transportation – 11/08/2023 Meeting

The Public Safety and Transportation voted to deny the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Request to shorten the duration of the winter parking ban to January 1 through March 1. According to the report, the Chair explained the Councilors Kelley and Albright docketed the item to make the parking ban less onerous for this current year and the following year – until the vote on the referendum which is expected in 2025. Currently the ban runs from December 1 through March 31. If approved, the ban would be shortened from four months to two months. Public Comment was taken. One commenter was opposed, the other, in favor of a one-year trial. Councilors had concerns that the City would not be able to clean the streets of snow and that it would cause a proliferation of cars stored on the street. A one or two-year trial was considered. The report states that Councilors have been informed that the City does not have the staff for a new overnight permit parking system. The Administration supports ending the ban and creating a simple, comprehensive plan for overnight parking. The Police and the Administration do not want to enforce permits. The Administration suggested a trial on a street where residents approve of ending the ban. The Committee voted 5-1-1 on a motion by Councilor Lucas, to deny the item. Councilor Bowman opposed, Councilor Downs abstaining.
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