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Posts published in November 2023

3 letters from federal and state legislators and officials weigh in on Newton’s VCOD with respect to Auburndale [UPDATE: State Rep. Lawn withdraws his letter]

On November 15 the City Council received two letters — and the Mayor received another letter — from federal and state legislators and officials explaining the benefits of Newton’s Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) zoning proposal and specifically mentioning Auburndale. In this letter to the City Council president, Representative Jake…

LigerBots host robotics competition for younger teams — and prepare to host state championship and STEAM Expo, Dec. 16

On November 18, Newton’s dual-high-school robotics team, the LigerBots, hosted a FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Newton Qualifier tournament — in which teams of elementary and middle schoolers passionate about robotics compete using LEGO robots that they have designed and built. The LigerBots have hosted FLL tournaments since 2008. This event had…

Ribbon-cutting marks completion of Levingston Cove shoreline project at Crystal Lake

On a sunny, sparkling November 15th, about 100 residents joined city officials along the Lake Avenue shore of Crystal Lake for a ribbon cutting to celebrate the long-awaited completion of the Levingston Cove Improvements project. According to the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, Levingston Cove’s redesign will make the park…

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