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Clockwise from left: Milly Arbaje-Thomas, President & CEO, METCO, Inc.; Melissa Wong, Newton METCO Counselor; Stacie Gladden, Executive Assistant, Newton METCO office; and Lisa Gilbert-Smith, Newton METCO Director uat the METCO Showcase at the Reggie Lewis Track & Athletic Center in Roxbury.

NPS attends METCO Showcase recruiting event

On November 18, members of the Newton Public Schools (NPS) METCO team attended the METCO Showcase in Roxbury to meet prospective METCO families. Attending the event from NPS were Newton METCO Director Lisa Gilbert-Smith, METCO Counselor Melissa Wong, and Executive Assistant Stacie Gladden.

At the annual Showcase, urban and suburban METCO representatives and supporters gathered to encourage Boston’s diverse students to apply to enter the lottery to attend their preferred choice of suburban schools in the METCO program. Families also were able to explore community agency opportunities, enjoy free pizza and DJ music, and take photos with Wally the Green Monster.

Since 1966, the Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO) has enrolled tens of thousands of Boston students in predominantly white school districts, enhancing the opportunity for students in those districts to learn in a racially and ethnically diverse setting. METCO aims to be a major player in the effort to dismantle racism and is currently seeking increased state funding to meet the rising costs of transportation and education, to expand the program in response to requests from school districts, and to continue its racial equity initiatives.

This year the METCO application process has been simplified, and parents can now choose up to three suburban school districts, ranking them by preference. The METCO website and the METCO Showcase event are designed to help prospective families make these decisions.

Newton’s METCO program is the largest among the METCO partner districts, with 431 METCO students enrolled across all NPS schools and across grades K-12.

Newton METCO Director Lisa Gilbert-Smith said, “Newton was a founding member of the METCO program in 1966 and continues its commitment to expanding and strengthening the program. Every year we welcome more than 400 Boston students to the Newton Public Schools. The METCO Showcase event is a terrific opportunity for us to share the supports and services NPS provides to all of our students and to highlight the success stories of Newton METCO graduates.”

NPS will hold a public forum on Wednesday, December 6 at 6:30PM at Newton South High School for all members of the Newton community to learn more about Newton’s METCO program.

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