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Belleville: The choice is clear!

A recent social media post referred to anti-development candidates. Let’s be clear. We have NO anti-development candidates. We have candidates who support Newton’s compliance with the MBTA Communities, which requires that Newton zone for a 25% increase in housing units. They support no more until an impact analysis, and additional community education is completed. Then we have candidates who want to zone for a 50% increase in housing units and don’t feel any impact analysis or additional community education is necessary.

The first group wants to retain control over what developers can build under our Special Permit process and the latter wants Newton to leave it to for-profit developers to decide. The former wants a stronger voice for constituents; the latter wants a stronger voice for developers.

The former wants more targeted strategies to make sure that we get truly affordable housing rather than more luxury housing. The latter subscribe to the debunked “Trickle-Down” Theory of Affordability asserting that “The Market” will drive down housing prices if we just build more housing regardless of price. 

The former wants to preserve and protect our existing small independent businesses by not implementing zoning that encourage their landlords to cash in/tear down their existing commercial spaces, while the latter seems unconcerned that existing small businesses will be displaced as they profess they want to “revitalize” our villages.

I chose the first group. So I will vote for  LISA GORDON for my Ward 6 seat. In the At Large races, I will vote for ALAN LOBOVITS and RENA GETZ and ONLY them in those races to increase the power of my votes by not giving votes to candidates with whom I disagree and I don’t feel represent me. I also hope RANDY BLOCK and STEPHEN FARRELL prevail.   

MaryLee Belleville
Newton Centre

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