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Posts published in November 2023

Traxler: Artificial turf opponents, what solution do you propose?

A recent letter to the editor outlined why Newton should reject the installation of any new synthetic turf. The letter concludes with “They all say ‘The science is clear.’ Artificial turf is a bad choice for Newton.“ As a resident  involved with Youth Athletics in Newton for over a decade…

Dudley Road estate back on the market

The proposal for Dudley Road appears to have fallen through. The property is back on the market (see Listing). The City of Newton was given an opportunity to make an offer on the 14+ acre property adjacent to Newton South between Dudley and Brandeis Road and was in discussion with…

Freudberg: Surviving another winter with the overnight parking ban

At 2AM this December 1, Newton’s overnight parking ban returns. The City Council has made up its mind: the ban is worth all the trouble it causes, at least for another winter. For these next four long months, many Newton residents will find themselves once again walking to and from…

Virtual public meeting: Ellis Stone Storehouse Design at Hemlock Gorge Reservation, Nov. 28

The Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation and Recreation will hold a virtual public meeting on November 28, 6PM-7:30PM concerning the design of the Ellis Stone Storehouse at Hemlock Gorge Reservation in Newton Upper Falls. Register here. The project team will present the preliminary design plans forthe restoration of the storehouse, which…

Goldberg: Listen to the experts about artificial turf, don’t ignore warnings

The local group Better Action Now on Artificial Turf in Newton is thrilled that Dr. Phil Landrigan has let city councilors know that he opposes Mayor Fuller’s request for $2,400,000 for an artificial turf field at Newton North High School. See details here.  Dr. Landrigan is a Newton resident and a leading global public health…

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